Borough Services Policy and Review Panel - Monday, 22nd January, 2018 7.00 pm - Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Panel Administrator: Adele Taylor  Email: Tel:01252 398831

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

            To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th November, 2017 (copy attached).



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th November, 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


Addressing Local Issues of Street Drinking, Rough Sleeping and Antisocial Behaviour in the Borough pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To receive presentations on activities and measures being taken to make positive changes in the Borough around street drinking/living, rough sleeping and associated behaviours:


·         Presentation from John Halfacre, (Temporary Chief Inspector, Hampshire Police), Caroline Ryan, (Community Safety Manager) and Suzannah Hellicar, (Housing Options Manager) on local partnership work to address the issues.


·         Presentation from representatives from the Society of St. James and the Stonham Group on their activities with outreach programmes and the step one approach


·         Presentation from representatives from The Vine detailing their new offer to assist with homelessness locally.


As a reminder of the background, please find attached a copy of the minutes from the Panel’s meeting on 14th November, 2016, at which the issues were first raised.


The Panel welcomed, John Halfacre (Temporary Chief Inspector) and Phil Mayne (Sargeant) from Hampshire Police; Caroline Ryan (Community Safety Manager); Suzannah Hellicar (Housing Options Manager); Simone Gleed and Tony Keall (Society of St. James); Tina Harvey, Kirsty Quinn, Faye Thorpe and Chris Nyamunga (The Home Group); and, Lesley Herniman and Tracey Ashton (The Vine), who had been invited to the meeting to give presentations on activities and measures being taken to make positive changes in the Borough around the issues of street drinking, rough sleeping and associated behaviours.


The Panel was advised of the current position in the Borough, and in particular the situation in Aldershot Town Centre. It was noted that the Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) were now in place in each of the two towns. The PSPOs allowed the Council and the Police to enforce acts of anti social behaviour within the exclusion zones. Civil injunctions had been placed on some offenders, which had been undertook by the individuals, however, should these restrictions be breached the offender would be taken to court and dealt with appropriately. In addition, a number of ancillary measures were being considered to combat and deter nuisance; these included demountable cameras to help deter criminal activity and the Positive Change Campaign – to encourage the public to give donations to appropriate charities. The Safer North Hampshire Partnership also worked across Hampshire to share problems and identify best practice.    


Chief Inspector Halfacre advised on the work being carried out by the Police. It was reported that Operation Cadbury had been instigated to assist with the situation in the town centres, the idea of which was not to punish people, but to refer them through the appropriate services. However, if behaviours fell below appropriate levels individuals would be prosecuted according to the law. The Panel was advised of Section 35 dispersals, new legislation which had replaced Anti Social Behaviour Orders (ASBO). New Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBO) placed both positive and negative demands on individuals, if these were breached three times the individual would be required to go back to court for further sentencing. It was reported that three of the prolific offenders were currently in prison and one had recently been released.


The Panel was advised on what the Housing Options Team were doing to help address the issues. Ms. Hellicar reported that a partnership approach was being taken to help solve the problem through early engagement with individuals at risk of homelessness. A “Hub” Event was held on a weekly basis to bring the homeless together with agencies who could offer a one stop process for accessing services and housing support.  It was felt important to assist individuals at an early stage to try and prevent the situation escalating. It was noted that the implementation of Universal Credit could have an impact on the levels of homelessness and the situation would be monitored closely. The Panel was also advised of the Homelessness Reduction Bill which had been implemented to allow all individuals  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 217 KB

            To note the Panel’s work programme (copy attached).



            The Panel noted the current work programme.