Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Panel Administrator: Adele Taylor Email: Tel: 01252398831
No. | Item | ||||||
Appointment of Chairman To appoint a Chairman of the Panel for the Municipal Year 2016/17. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Cr. Liz Corps be appointed as Chairman of the Panel for the 2016/17 Municipal Year. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Panel for the Municipal Year 2016/17. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Cr. Mrs D.B. Bedford be
appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Panel for the 2016/17 Municipal Year. |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held
on 4th April, 2016 (copy attached) Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th April, 2016 were agreed as a correct record. |
Appointments to Panel Groups (1) To
appoint the membership of the Mid-Cycle Meeting. The Membership is normally as follows: ·
The Chairman and Vice Chairman and a representative from the other
political groups. (2) To
appoint the membership of the Aldershot Lido Task and Finish Group. The Membership in 2015/16 was as follows: ·
Crs. Liz Corps,
D.E. Clifford, A.H. Crawford, A.R. Newell, M. Roberts and B.A. Thomas with
attendance by the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Youth (Cr. Sue Carter) as
required. Minutes: (1)
Mid-Cycle Group – It was AGREED that the
membership of the mid-cycle meeting group for the Municipal Year 2016/17 would
be as follows, the Chairman (Cr. Liz Corps), the Vice-Chairman (Cr. Mrs D.B.
Bedford) and Cr. T.D. Bridgeman. (2)
Lido Task and Finish
– It was AGREED that the
membership of the Lido Task and Finish Group for the Municipal Year 2016/17
would be agreed by the Head of Democratic and Customer Services in consultation
with the Group Leaders in due course. It was also AGREED that the name of the group would be changed to the Lido
Review Working Group. |
Rushmoor Arts Hub To receive a presentation from Mr. Tony McGovern, Extended Service Partnership Manager on the activities and working arrangements of the Rushmoor Arts Hub. Minutes: The Panel welcomed Mr. Tony McGovern, Rushmoor Arts Hub (RAH) Project
Manager, and Mr. Barney Jeavons, Hampshire Cultural
Trust (HCT), RAH Steering Group Chair who attended the meeting to give a
presentation on the work carried out so far on the project. The Panel noted the background to the project. It was
advised that Rushmoor had been listed in the bottom 20% of areas in the
country for arts, making it eligible for funding from Arts Council England
(ACE). In 2012, an unsuccessful bid had been submitted to the ACE South-east; however, after geographical changes within the
ACE, this was followed in 2013 by a visit from ACE South-west. A consultation,
carried out locally for ACE South-west, took place during 2014 to establish who
required help and what help was needed in the area.
The consultation findings had led to funds in excess of £39,000 being granted in spring 2015, to the Council and the HCT. The consultation highlighted that 78% of respondents would like more
arts provision in Rushmoor and 42% had stated that they would like to help
develop it. Others identified that their organisation would benefit from a
dedicated Rushmoor arts website and networking opportunities, and visits from
high quality arts organisations. A Steering Group had been established involving Mr. Jeavons
from the HCT, the SoCo music project, First Wessex
Housing Association, the Council and Rushmoor Voluntary Services with Rushmoor
Schools Plus who had taken the role of co-ordinating the project. The Group met
monthly and had established terms of reference and an action plan; it was noted that Mr. McGovern dedicated 10 hours per week of
his time to the project. The Group were also supported by a
mentor from ACE South-west. The Panel was then advised of the project
activities, including: the provision of inspirational training and development
opportunities; the delivery of a website and regular e-newsletters; the hosting
of network events; and, the creation of a grant scheme for young people to
develop their own skills. It was explained that a number of learning
visits had taken place, Mr. McGovern and Mr. Jeavons
had made trips to Bristol, Basingstoke, Farnham, Eastleigh, Exeter, Torbay and
Plymouth to experience their creative spaces and how the arts sat within a
borough/district. The majority of these places were more
established with the arts as part of their communities and the trips had
been a productive insight into how the arts could become embedded in local
society. A number of training and development activities had also taken place, including mystery shoppers at the West End Centre and
Princes Hall and West End Centre staff development through “learning as the
customer”. This had
been achieved by visiting venues and a planned visit for some staff
members to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It was reported that a RAH website was currently being developed and a Facebook and Twitter page had been established. The website would have information about arts organisations and events in Rushmoor and would give visitors to ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Local Authority Support for Sports To receive a presentation from Mr. Peter Amies, Head of Community and Environment on the Local Authority Support for Sport initiative. Minutes: The Head of Community and Environmental Services, gave a presentation on
the Local Authority Support for Sport. It was reported that Rushmoor was
considered a stronghold for sport and had second to none facilities within its
boundaries. The majority of the facilities within the Borough were self-funded
and ran on a voluntary basis. However, a small number provided by the Council
were, in particular: ·
Indoor Pools ·
Lido ·
Golf Course ·
Leisure Centre ·
Leisure Centre As part of the Council’s 8-Point Plan, discretionary services were under
scrutiny and it was important to try and make them as self-funding as possible.
The Panel recognised that sports facilities were expensive to run and replace. Over the past six years, it was noted that £27 million had been invested
in the Borough’s sports and play facilities. Funding had been provided from
numerous sources including the Department for Children, Schools and Families,
Sport England and the Military. The Borough had in the region of £100 million
worth of sport/play assets within its boundaries. Mr. Amies advised of the Council’s strategic priorities, including
health and wellbeing, community safety, economic development, social cohesion
and inequalities, neighbourhood renewal and educational attainment. Sport
played its part in addressing these priorities through: physical activity to
help combat medical issues such as diabetes and obesity; the employment of 700
part/full time staff and 1,000 volunteers; and, Sport for All – tackling
inequality and raising aspirations through the “Be the Best” initiative. The
Panel viewed a short video titled the “Hampshire Youth Games – Mission
Possible”, which shared inspiring stories from young people involved in the
games held in Aldershot. The Panel was then apprised of the numerous other activities available
around the Borough, these included walking groups, couch to 5k and Park Run,
cycling and walking football and basketball, specifically aimed at the older
generation. It was noted that Rushmoor
had reached the top ten authorities nationally in the “Active People’s Survey”,
for participating in 30 minutes or more activity a week. It was also noted that
100% of its junior football clubs had been awarded with Charter Mark status and
several clubs, across different disciplines, had produced Olympic athletes. It was important that the sporting clubs throughout the Borough remained
sustainable by developing opportunities to generate income, investing to save,
reducing running costs and securing funding opportunities. Some clubs rented
space to other organisations in their facilities during the day when buildings
would not normally be in use and others had links with prestigious clubs or
sports providers. Some benefitted from sponsorship from local or national
companies and others supported
charities, such as “Race for Life”. The Panel discussed the presentation and the issues around sporting facilities and it was noted that some residents still believed that there was nothing available for young people in the Borough. It was also mentioned that the Rushmoor Gymnastics Academy had trouble funding coaches as its finances were tight. In response to a query, it was explained that funding was ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Connaught Leisure Centre The Head of Community and Environment to report on proposals for operational changes at Connaught Leisure Centre. Minutes: The Head of Community and Environmental Services reported on a proposal
for operational changes at the Connaught Leisure Centre. The Panel noted that the Borough had a number of community schools, most
of which were self-funding and were being run with little or no financial
assistance from the Council. However, it was advised
that Connaught Leisure Centre, currently managed by the Council and situated
within the grounds of Connaught School, was running at a deficit of
approximately £30,000 per annum. Mr. Amies advised that the school had some
concerns over safeguarding as the gym area was only accessible though the
school, allowing adults to walk through the corridors unaccompanied. It was advised that an average of fifteen
people were using the gym facilities on a weekly basis during school opening
hours (8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.). It was proposed that
following consultation with the users, the gym opening hours could be amended
to 5.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m., Monday – Friday. Displaced daytime users could be
re-located to the Aldershot Indoor Pools gym facilities. This proposal would
result in a potential saving of around £40,000 per annum. In response to a query it was noted that to
create separate access to the facilities would be costly and users would still
need to access the building via playground areas where children may be
present. It was AGREED
that the Head of Community and Environmental Services would consult with the
daytime users and their views would be taken into account in the decisions on
the Leisure Centre’s future.
To review the Panel’s current
work programme (copy attached), and to agree priorities where necessary. Minutes: The Panel NOTED the current work programme. It was
advised that a visit to the Military Sports Facilities had been
scheduled for a meeting of the Panel. However, it was felt that, if Members
were still keen to visit the facilities, a date would be set outside of the
cycle of meetings. This would be discussed further at
the next mid-cycle meeting. A number of items were
raised for consideration at future meetings, these
were noted and would be discussed at the next mid-cycle meeting. |