Cabinet - Tuesday, 8th June, 2021 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Chris Todd, Democracy and Community  on 01252 398825 or e-mail:

No. Item



Under the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, all Members are required to disclose relevant Interests in any matter to be considered at the meeting.  Where the matter directly relates to a Member’s Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Registrable Interest, that Member must not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must not remain in the room unless they have been granted a dispensation (see note below). If the matter directly relates to ‘Non-Registrable Interests’, the Member’s participation in the meeting will depend on the nature of the matter and whether it directly relates or affects their financial interest or well-being or that of a relative, friend  or close associate, applying the tests set out in the Code.



On 27th May, 2021, the Council’s Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee granted dispensations to Members appointed by the Council to the Board of the Rushmoor Development Partnership and as Directors of Rushmoor Homes Limited.


Having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct, no declarations of interest were made.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 20th April, 2021 (copy attached).


The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 20th April, 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.



To consider Report No. ACE2103 (copy attached), which provides details of progress made in delivering the priorities set out in the Council’s Business Plan for the fourth quarter of 2020/21 and summarises the progress made throughout 2020/21 as a whole.

Presented By: Cllr Adrian Newell, Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder


The Cabinet received Report No. ACE2103, which set out progress in delivering the Council Business Plan projects during the fourth quarter of 2020/21 and also provided an end of year summary. Members were reminded that, following a recent change in reporting arrangements, only projects which were either completed during Quarter 4 or were not on track at the end of Quarter 4 would be included in the report. Members were informed that the majority of projects had been identified as making good progress and details of these could be found on the Council’s website ( Overall, good progress was being made against an ambitious programme of work, taking account of the impact of the current pandemic and ongoing resource constraints.


The Cabinet NOTED the progress made towards delivering the Council Business Plan, as set out in Report No. ACE2103.


COUNCIL BUSINESS PLAN 2021 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 17 MB

To consider Report No. ACE2104 (copy attached), which seeks approval of an update to the Council’s three year Business Plan, for submission to the Council on 24th June, 2021.

Presented By: Cllr Adrian Newell, Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder


The Cabinet considered Report No. ACE2104, which set out proposed updates to the Council’s three year business plan.


Members were informed that the business plan would build on the priorities that had been identified by the Cabinet and that supported the Council’s Vision for Aldershot and Farnborough 2030. Members were informed that the business plan had been significantly reworked and had been structured against two key areas of work which would cover the themes of People and Place. The plan would be presented at the Council Meeting on 24th June, 2021.


The Cabinet expressed strong support for the new business plan, both in terms of layout and content.


The Cabinet RECOMMENDED TO THE COUNCIL that the Rushmoor Borough Council Business Plan (April 2021 to March 2024), as set out in Report No. ACE2104, be approved.



To consider Report No. FIN2111 (copy attached), which gives details of an application for discretionary rate relief in respect of Blue Ocean Seismic Services Limited.

Presented By: Cllr Paul Taylor, Corporate Services Portfolio Holder


The Cabinet considered Report No. FIN2111, which set out details of an application for rate relief on behalf of Blue Ocean Seismic Services Limited.


Members were informed that details of the application were contained within the Report and that the applicant was a technology company that had recently relocated to Farnborough from Perth, Australia. In a correction to the table at paragraph 4.4 of the Report, Members were informed that the total cost to Rushmoor Borough Council of the two years’ relief was £30,255.41 and not £30,655.41 as stated.


The Cabinet RESOLVED that 100% discretionary rate relief be awarded to Blue Ocean Seismic Services Limited for the period 13th July, 2020 to 12th July, 2022, as set out in Report No. FIN2111.



To consider Report No. OS2107 (copy attached), which sets out a proposal for the introduction of a weekly food waste collection service.

Presented By: Cllr Maurice Sheehan, Operational Services Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered Report No. OS2107, which set out a proposal to introduce a weekly food waste collection service and make associated changes to other waste collection services. The Chairman welcomed the Leader of the Labour Group (Cllr Christine Guinness), who had requested to address the Cabinet on this issue.


Members were reminded that, at its meeting on 10th November, 2020, the Cabinet had approved the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan that had been prepared in response to the Climate Emergency that had been declared by the Council in summer, 2019. A key action within the Climate Change Action Plan had been to set up a separate food waste collection service. Subsequently, the Cabinet had set up a cross-party working group to guide the project and to make  recommendations on the operational detail for the service. The Group had met several times and the Report set out recommendations that had been unanimously supported by the members of the Group. Members were informed that the Group’s recommendations provided details of how the proposals met the Council’s climate change objectives and also considered how the Council might comply with the Government’s forthcoming Resources and Waste Strategy, which required Councils’ recycling performance in England to be 65% of municipal waste by 2035. The Cabinet was reminded that the Council’s recycling rate in 2019/20 had been 29.6%.


The Cabinet heard from Cllr Guinness, who expressed support from the Labour Group to the proposals contained within the Report. Cllr Guinness detailed a number of concerns that had been received from residents regarding the proposals. In response to Cllr Guinness’ comments it was confirmed that residents would be able to make an online request to upgrade from a 140 litre capacity bin to a 240 litre one. It was further confirmed that the larger, outside food waste caddies would be lockable and that any requests for additional bins would be investigated by Council officers, with a home visit being likely. Members were informed that flats and properties with communal bins would be assessed on a case-by-case basis in order to work out the best solution for each site. It was also confirmed that the Council would continue to work with the County Council to seek to broaden the range of items that could be accepted in recycling bins.


In discussing the proposals, the Cabinet expressed strong support for the suggested approach and stressed the importance of good communications to help residents to move smoothly to the new arrangements. 


The Cabinet


(i)           RESOLVED that approval be given to


(a)          the introduction of weekly collections of food waste in autumn 2021, as set out in Report No. OS2107;


(b)          the provision of black 23 litre kerbside food waste containers and silver 5 litre kitchen caddies to households that use individual bins, with silver 5 litre kitchen caddies and the shared use of 140 litre adapted wheeled bins for properties using communal bins;


(c)          the supply of one roll of 52 polyethylene green caddy liners to each household at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



To consider Report No. RP2103 (copy attached), which sets out a proposal to proceed with the demolition and site clearance of the Farnborough Leisure Centre.

Presented By: Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered Report No. RP2103, which set out a proposal for the demolition of the vacant Farnborough Leisure Centre building.


The Cabinet was reminded that, in January, 2021, the decision had been taken not to re-open the Farnborough Leisure Centre due to the significant cost implications of the extension of the leisure contract as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Members were informed that, once the site had been cleared, site investigation works would be carried out in relation to the development of the new Leisure and Civic Hub building, prior to the Final Business Case. Wilmott Dixon Construction had been appointed through the Procurement Hub Framework for the delivery of the scheme. It was reported that, following representations made by members of the public, options to preserve the mosaic murals situated on the side of the existing leisure centre would be explored further.


The Cabinet expressed support for the proposed approach, which would enable the provision of the new facility in the shortest possible timescale.


The Cabinet RESOLVED that


(i)           the appointment of Wilmott Dixon Construction Limited, through the Procurement Hub Framework, to carry out the demolition and site clearance of Farnborough Leisure Centre and to undertake further survey works upon completion of the site clearance, as set out in Report No. RP2103, be approved;


(ii)          the release of £1,135,000 funding from the Capital Programme for the demolition works and associated project management, as agreed by the Council on 25th February, 2021, be approved;


(iii)         a further budget of £20,000 to fund ongoing project delivery costs and the consideration of alternative options, be approved; and


(iv)         following further investigation of the available options for the preservation of the mosaic murals, the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder, be authorised to commission the necessary works.



To confirm the appointments to the following groups for the 2021/22 Municipal Year:


i)             Aldershot Regeneration – Union Street due diligence




Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder -

Cllr M.J. Tennant



Corporate Services Portfolio Holder -

Cllr P.G. Taylor



Labour Group (1) -

Cllr K. Dibble



ii)           Budget Strategy Working Group




Corporate Services Portfolio Holder -

Cllr P.G. Taylor



Chairman of Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee -

Cllr Sue Carter



Chairman/Vice-Chairman of Policy and Project Advisory Board -

Cllr J.B. Canty



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs P.J. Cullum and C.J. Stewart



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Gaynor Austin and K. Dibble



Liberal Democrat Group (1) -

Cllr T.W. Mitchell



iii)          Climate Change Working Group




Cabinet Members (2) -

Cllrs K.H. Muschamp and M.L. Sheehan



Chairman of Policy and Project

Advisory Board -

Cllr J.B. Canty



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs Mara Makunura and C.J. Stewart



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Gaynor Austin and M.J. Roberts



Liberal Democrat Group (1) -

Cllr T.W. Mitchell




iv)          Covid Recovery




Conservative Group (5) -

Cllrs P.J. Cullum, M. Hope, Prabesh KC, Mara Makunura and A.R. Newell



Labour Group (3) -

Cllrs Christine Guinness, Nadia Martin and Sophie Porter



v)           Food Waste Collection




Operational Services Portfolio Holder -

Cllr M.L. Sheehan



Chairman of Policy and Project

Advisory Board -

Cllr J.B. Canty



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs Mara Makunura and K.H. Muschamp



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Sophie Porter and Sarah Spall



vi)          Member Development Group




Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder -


Cllr A.R. Newell



Additional Cabinet Member -

Cllr P.G. Taylor



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs J.B. Canty and C.J. Stewart



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Nadia Martin and Sophie Porter



Liberal Democrat Group (1) -

Cllr T.W. Mitchell




The Cabinet RESOLVED that


(i)            appointments be made to Cabinet working groups for the 2021/22 Municipal Year as follows:-



Aldershot Regeneration – Union Street due diligence



Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder -

Cllr M.J. Tennant



Corporate Services Portfolio Holder -

Cllr P.G. Taylor



Labour Group (1) -

Cllr K. Dibble



Budget Strategy Working Group




Corporate Services Portfolio Holder -

Cllr P.G. Taylor



Chairman of Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee -

Cllr Sue Carter



Chairman/Vice-Chairman of Policy and Project Advisory Board -

Cllr J.B. Canty



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs P.J. Cullum and C.J. Stewart



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Gaynor Austin and K. Dibble



Liberal Democrat (1) -

Cllr T.W. Mitchell



Climate Change Working Group




Cabinet Members (2) -

Cllrs K.H. Muschamp and M.L. Sheehan



Chairman of Policy and Project

Advisory Board -

Cllr J.B. Canty



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs Mara Makunura and C.J. Stewart



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Gaynor Austin and M.J. Roberts



Liberal Democrat (1) -

Cllr T.W. Mitchell




Covid Recovery




Conservative Group (5) -

Cllrs P.J. Cullum, M. Hope, Prabesh KC, Mara Makunura and A.R. Newell



Labour Group (3) -

Cllrs Christine Guinness, Nadia Martin and Sophie Porter



Food Waste Collection




Operational Services Portfolio Holder -

Cllr M.L. Sheehan



Chairman of Policy and Project

Advisory Board -

Cllr J.B. Canty



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs Mara Makunura and K.H. Muschamp



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Sophie Porter and Sarah Spall



Member Development Group




Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder -


Cllr A.R. Newell



Additional Cabinet Member -

Cllr P.G. Taylor



Conservative Group (2) -

Cllrs J.B. Canty and C.J. Stewart



Labour Group (2) -

Cllrs Nadia Martin and Sophie Porter



Liberal Democrat (1) -

Cllr T.W. Mitchell


(ii)          the Head of Democracy and Community, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to make appointments to these Groups during the 2021/22 municipal year, in order to fill vacancies.