Venue: Concorde Room
Contact: Chris Todd, Democracy and Community on 01252 398825 or e-mail:
No. | Item |
Code of Conduct for Councillors, all Members are required to disclose relevant
Interests in any matter to be considered at the meeting. Where the matter
directly relates to a Member’s Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other
Registrable Interest, that Member must not participate in any discussion or
vote on the matter and must not remain in the room unless they have been
granted a dispensation (see note below). If the matter directly relates to
‘Non-Registrable Interests’, the Member’s participation in the meeting will
depend on the nature of the matter and whether it directly relates or affects
their financial interest or well-being or that of a relative, friend or
close associate, applying the tests set out in the Code. NOTE: On 27th May, 2021, the Council’s Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee granted dispensations to Members appointed by the Council to the Board of the Rushmoor Development Partnership and as Directors of Rushmoor Homes Limited. Minutes: Having regard to the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, no declarations of interest were made. |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 14th December, 2021 (copy attached). Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 14th December, 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT SCHEME 2022/23 PDF 166 KB To consider Report No. FIN2206 (copy attached), which sets out the work undertaken by the Council Tax Support Task and Finish Group to review the Council’s Council Tax Support Scheme. Presented By: Cllr Diane Bedford, Chairman of the Council Tax Support Task and Finish Group Minutes: The Council Tax
Support Task and Finish Group had met on 17th August, 2021, 6th October, 2021
and 25th November, 2021 to consider its recommendations to the Cabinet. The
Group had considered the on-going impact of Covid-19 and had paid specific attention
to a number of matters during its deliberations and these were set out in
paragraph 2 of the Report. Having considered all relevant factors, the Group
recommended that no changes should be made to the Council Tax Support Scheme
for 2022/23, except for the usual alignment with Housing Benefit rates in the
calculations. This would mean that the minimum contribution would remain at
12%. Additionally, it was recommended that a fundamental review of the Scheme
should be carried out in early 2022/23. The Cabinet
expressed gratitude to the Council Tax Support Task and Finish Group for its
work in producing these recommendations. (a)
Council Tax Support Task and Finish Group be authorised to undertake a detailed
review of the Council Tax Support Scheme, to be carried out early in 2022/23
and to take into account the continuing impact of the Covid 19 pandemic and the
increasing cost of the scheme and its local impact on scheme recipients and
other local Council Tax payers; and (b)
the deliberations and considerations of the Council Tax Support Task
and Finish Group in arriving at its recommendations, as set out in Report No. FIN2206, be noted. |
APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS - FRIMLEY4 BUSINESS PARK, FRIMLEY PDF 110 KB To consider Report No. PETS2202 (copy attached), which sets out a proposal to agree new Directors for Frimley Business Park Management Limited, which is a company owned by the Council. Presented By: Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder Minutes: The
Cabinet considered Report No. PETS2202, which set out a proposal to appoint new
Directors for Frimley Business Park Management Limited. Members were reminded that the Council had
purchased part of the Frimley4 Business Park in April, 2019. Currently, the
Council’s Head of Property, Estates and Technical Services and the Council’s
Service Manager – Property and Estates were nominated Directors of the Business
Park’s management company. The current Head of Property, Estates and Technical
Services postholder was about to leave the employment of the Council and, as
the Service Manager – Property and Estates was responsible for the management
of the asset, it was felt that both of the Council’s Directors should be
replaced. |
FIRST HOMES INTERIM POLICY STATEMENT PDF 114 KB To consider Report No. EPSH2204 (copy attached), which sets out a proposed First Homes Interim Policy Statement in relation to how the Council will implement first homes through the planning system. Presented By: Cllr Marina Munro, Planning and Economy Portfolio Holder Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet considered Report No. EPSH2204, which set out a proposed new
Rushmoor First Homes Interim Policy Statement. Members were informed that the policy would help the Council to provide
certainty to developers as to how the Council would implement first homes
through the planning system. The Report set out the details of the interim
scheme and it was explained that this would be considered through the Local
Plan process in due course. The Cabinet expressed support for this policy, which would help first
time buyers to get onto the housing ladder at a reduced price. The Cabinet RESOLVED that (i)
the adoption of the Rushmoor
First Homes Interim Policy Statement, as set out in Report No. EPSH2204, be
approved; and (ii)
the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing,
in consultation with the Planning and Economy Portfolio Holder, be authorised
to make amendments to the Interim Policy Statement to reflect any relevant
changes to national policy and guidance or case law. |
REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING REPORT P2 2021/22 PDF 322 KB To consider Report No. FIN2201 (copy attached), which sets out the Council’s anticipated financial position for 2021/22, based on the monitoring exercise carried out during October and November, 2021. Presented By: Cllr Paul Taylor, Corporate Services Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet
considered Report No. FIN2201, which set out the anticipated financial position
for 2021/22, based on the monitoring exercise carried out during October and November,
2021. Members were informed that the Covid-19 pandemic had continued to have a
widespread impact on local authority budgets, particularly in relation to a
significant loss of income from services and an uncertain income recovery
during the current financial year. It was noted that the forecast focussed on
the immediate financial pressures that had been identified and that further
analysis would be undertaken on the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Savings
Plan to inform the budget setting process for 2022/23. A summary of the general
risks and uncertainties faced by the Council at this time was included in the
Report. The Cabinet RESOLVED that (i)
the latest revenue
forecasts and financial impact on reserve balances, as set out in Report No.
FIN2201, be noted; and (ii)
the additional transfers from earmarked reserves, as
set out in paragraph 7.4 of the Report, be approved. |
CAPITAL PROGRAMME MONITORING AND FORECASTING REPORT P2 2021/22 PDF 184 KB To consider Report No. FIN2202 (copy attached), which sets out the latest forecast of the Council’s Capital Programme for 2021/22, based on the monitoring exercise carried out during Q2, 2021. Presented By: Cllr Paul Taylor, Corporate Services Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet
received Report No. FIN2202, which provided the latest forecast regarding the
Council’s Capital Programme for 2021/22, based on the monitoring exercise carried
out during October and November, 2021. The Report advised that the original
Capital Programme for 2021/22, which had been agreed by the Council on 25th
February, 2021, had totalled £38.510 million. Table 1 of the Report set out the
reconciliation of budget changes since then, along with the projected actual
capital expenditure for 2021/22. It was noted that projects of major financial
significance to the Council in the Capital Programme included the regeneration
projects in Aldershot town centre and Farnborough Civic Quarter and the
replacement of cremators at the Aldershot Crematorium. Members were advised
that, of the approved capital budget of £41.297 million, only £14.580 million
was forecast to be spent by the end of 2021/22. In noting this variance, it was
explained that the programme contained large and complex projects that required
proactive monitoring to ensure any delays or variations in cost were clearly
understood and communicated to assess the implications for the Council. |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM BUDGET STRATEGY WORKING GROUP 2021/22 PDF 138 KB To consider Report No. FIN2204 (copy attached), which sets out recommendations from the Budget Strategy Working Group, resulting from its work over the past year. Presented By: Cllr Paul Taylor, Chairman of the Budget Strategy Working Group Minutes: Members were
reminded that the Corporate Services Portfolio Holder (Cllr P.G. Taylor) was
the Chairman of the Group, which had met five times during the current
financial year and had one further meeting for the year, scheduled for March,
2022. The Group had considered many matters during the year, including the strategic
options around the Council’s revenue and capital budget setting for the
forthcoming financial year and ongoing impact of Covid-19 on the Council’s
financial position. The Group had formulated a number of recommendations to the
Cabinet and details of these were set out in the Report. The
Cabinet heard from Cllr Canty, who had been a member of the Budget Strategy
Working Group during the previous year. Cllr Canty expressed support for the
recommendations from the Group, as set out, and went on to express some
personal observations on how the Council might address the financial challenges
it faced over the coming years. Cllr Canty was thanked for his input. The Cabinet
expressed gratitude to the members of the Budget Strategy Working Group for
their work in producing these recommendations. The Cabinet NOTED the following recommendations from the Budget
Strategy Working Group, that (i)
the Savings and
Transformation Programme be continued to ensure a balanced portfolio of cost
management and income generation opportunities to enable the Council to achieve
financial sustainability over the medium-term strategy period, with the Budget
Strategy Working Group acting as a consultee on the development of the
programme, in line with the Group’s Terms of Reference, as set out in Appendix
A of Report No. FIN2204; and; (ii)
whilst mindful of the impact on Rushmoor
residents, the Council should increase Council Tax by the maximum permissible
level of £5, given the inflationary and financial pressures faced by the
Council. |
MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY 2022/23 TO 2025/26 - UPDATE PDF 252 KB To consider Report No. FIN2203 (copy attached), which sets out an update on the key factors influencing the preparation of the 2022/23 budget and an update on the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement. Presented By: Cllr Paul Taylor, Corporate Services Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet
received Report No. FIN2203, which set out an update on the key factors
influencing the preparation of the Council’s 2022/23 budget. The Report also provided
an update on the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement. Members were
informed that the Council, along with many other local authorities, continued
to face significant financial challenges over the medium term. Risks and
uncertainties, particularly around Covid-19, Brexit and the global economy made
it difficult for the Council to accurately predict its medium term financial
position. The Report set out details of the Spending Review announced by the
Government on 27th October, 2021. The Cabinet was informed that would need to
ensure that adequate reserves were maintained over the medium term to mitigate
the risks identified in the Report. The Cabinet NOTED the contents of Report No. FIN2203, including the
Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement and the financial planning
process and associated risks and uncertainties, as set out in Section 7. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider resolving: That, subject to the public interest test, the public be excluded from this meeting during the discussion of the undermentioned items to avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraphs of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against such items: Item Schedule Category Nos. 12A Para. No. 11 and 12 3 Information
relating to financial or business affairs Minutes: RESOLVED: That, taking into account the public interest test, the public be
excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the under mentioned items to
avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A
to the Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against the items: Minute Schedule Category Nos. 12A Para. No. 62 and 63 3 Information relating to
financial or business affairs |
INVESTMENT PROPERTY PORTFOLIO - AGREEMENT OF REVISED RENTAL OFFER To consider Exempt Report No. PETS2201 (copy attached), which gives details of proposed alterations to financial arrangements with the tenant of a commercial premises owned by the Council. Presented By: Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder Minutes: The
Cabinet considered Exempt Report No. PETS2201, which set out details of a
revised rental offer in relation to a property owned by the Council. Members were informed that, following a difficult
trading period, discussions had taken place with the tenant of one of the
Council’s retail properties. The Tenant had built up rent arrears since the
start of the pandemic. Officers had worked with Lambert Smith Hampton
Investment Management (LSHIM), the Council’s Asset Managers, and a specialist
adviser and had negotiated a revised rental offer that represented a good
solution for both the Tenant and the Council. The
Cabinet was supportive of the suggested approach and considered this to be the
best available option. The Cabinet RESOLVED that, having considered the options set out in
Exempt Report No. PETS2201, the option agreed in principle with the Tenant, be
approved as follows (i)
a new ten-year lease from 1st September, 2021; (ii)
a stepped rental basis
per annum exclusive, as set out in the Report; (iii)
a tenant only break
option at the fifth year, subject to serving six months’ notice and the tenant
paying a penalty equivalent to one year’s rent; (iv)
a single upwards only
rent review only at the fifth year, based off the stepped rent applicable at
that time; and (v)
a landlord’s
contribution of £10,000 towards costs, to be netted off against the first
quarter’s rent. |
APPLICATION FOR SECTION 49 REMISSION OF NON-DOMESTIC RATES To consider Exempt Report No. FIN2205 (copy attached), which gives details of an application for the remission of non-domestic rates due to hardship. Presented By: Cllr Paul Taylor, Corporate Services Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet considered Exempt Report No. FIN2205, which set out an application for the remission of non-domestic rates on the grounds of hardship. Members assessed the application from Dhampus Limited, No. 4 Wellington Street, Aldershot, taking into account the evidence of financial hardship supplied and whether it was in the interests of local taxpayers to subsidise the business. The Cabinet took into account the nature and circumstances of the business and the availability of alternative facilities in the area. The Corporate Services Portfolio Holder and the Council’s Principal Revenues and Benefits Officer had examined the application in detail, including subsequent information requested in relation to the company’s up to date sales and a future forecast for the success of the business, which was set out in the Report. The Cabinet RESOLVED that 100% hardship relief be granted to Dhampus Limited for the current outstanding balance for the period from 15th July, 2019 to 31st March, 2020 and for the period from 1st July, 2021 to 31st March, 2022. NOTE: It was noted that one of the Directors of Dhampus Limited was a member of the Conservative Party but that this had not had a material effect on the decision to grant hardship relief in this case, for which the application had been judged on its merits. |