Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Chris Todd, Democratic Support Officer on 01252 398825 or e-mail:
Link: For 60 days after the meeting a recording of the live stream is available here
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Code of Conduct for Councillors, all Members are required to disclose relevant
Interests in any matter to be considered at the meeting. Where the matter
directly relates to a Member’s Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other
Registrable Interest, that Member must not participate in any discussion or
vote on the matter and must not remain in the room unless they have been
granted a dispensation (see note below). If the matter directly relates to
‘Non-Registrable Interests’, the Member’s participation in the meeting will
depend on the nature of the matter and whether it directly relates or affects
their financial interest or well-being or that of a relative, friend or
close associate, applying the tests set out in the Code. NOTE: On 27th May, 2021, the Council’s Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee granted dispensations to Members appointed by the Council to the Board of the Rushmoor Development Partnership and as Directors of Rushmoor Homes Limited. Minutes: Having regard to the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, the following declaration of interest was made:
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th June, 2024 (copy attached). Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 4th June, 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
MEDIUM TERM FINANCE STRATEGY 2024-25 TO 2027-28 UPDATE AND 2023-24 BUDGET OUTTURN PDF 2 MB To consider Report No. FIN2411 (copy attached), which sets out an update on the key factors influencing the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and the budget outturn in respect of 2023-24. Presented By: Cllr Gareth Williams, Leader of the Council and Finance Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet considered Report No. FIN2411, which set out the Medium Term
Financial Strategy (MTFS) update 2023/24 Budget Outturn. It was noted that Report No. FIN2411, had been the first opportunity for
the Cabinet to review and comment on the Council finances and came with the
advantage of full visibility of the underlying numbers and realistic
assumptions. The Report contained a wealth of detail which set out the
Council’s financial position, which required urgent attention and focus from
the Council’s leadership. The Cabinet were being asked to note much of the detail in the report,
approve the proposals and make recommendations to the Council, but it was also
noted that actions were in place to address the issues with a detailed action
plan being drafted. The action plan, which would be closely monitored by the
Leader, senior Councillors and the executive team, would include action to
reduce the Council’s level of debt. Upgraded processes would also be put in
place so that Members received transparent and insightful reporting of the
Council’s financial plans, to enable them to fulfil their role of scrutiny. During discussions the Cabinet noted the importance of monitoring risk
and ensuring issues arising were addressed in a timely manner. With regard to
savings, it was noted that impacts on services provided would be limited where
possible. The Cabinet (i)
RECOMMENDED TO THE COUNCIL that approval be given to: (a)
the approach and timetable
to identifying the required revenue savings, as set out in Report FIN2411; (b)
the use of capital receipts strategy, as set out in the Report; (c)
the proposed reprofiling of the capital receipts income target and
resulting £1.6m drawdown of reserves, as set out in the Report; (ii)
RESOLVED that approval be given to: (a)
the write-off of the
commercial property lease debt described in Report No. FIN2411; (b)
the 2023/24 reserve movements as represented by the transfers
summarised in Report FIN2411, resulting in unaudited usable revenue reserves of
£20.8m and a separate £2m working balance; (c)
proposed strategy to drawdown reserves to finance the projected deficit, as set
out in Report FIN2411; (d)
establishment of a cross-party Cabinet Working Group to be known as the
“Financial Recovery Working Group” with the primary role of overseeing delivery
of the Financial Recovery Plan; (iii)
NOTED -: (a)
the 2023/24 unaudited budget
outturn returning £1.245m surplus to reserves, which may change with further
due diligence and audit, be updated at the October Council; (b)
the revenue budget carry forward schedule and capital slippage, as
set out in Report FIN2411; (c)
2024/25 financial year review of performance against budget to date on key
budget items, as set out in Report FIN2411, and that the Cabinet will receive a
full in-year financial position in September; (d)
Section 151 Officer assessment that the minimum working balance of £2m remains
adequate; (e)
sensitivity analysis of the budget deficit with respect to key assumptions and
delivery of the savings plan; (f) the update to significant risks ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
SWIMMING POOL SUPPORT FUND GRANT TO FUND ENERGY IMPROVEMENT WORKS AT ALDERSHOT POOLS PDF 101 KB To consider Report No. OS2440 (copy attached), which sets out details of a grant received by the Council from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund. Presented By: Cllr Becky Williams, Neighbourhood Services Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet considered Report No. OS2440 which set out details of a
grant received by the Council from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund
(SPSF) It was noted that the funds from the SPSF
grant had already been received by the Council and the purpose of the item was
to formally approve the acceptance of the funds. The funding had been granted
to fund solar panels and pool covers at the Aldershot Pools and Fitness Centre to improve the energy
efficiency of the existing facility. The Cabinet (i)
RECOMMENDED TO THE COUNCIL that approval be given to the addition of £208,350 into the 2024/25
Capital Programme funded by the SPSF; and (ii)
RESOLVED that approval be given to the acceptance of the grant to fully fund the
purchase of two swimming pool covers and the installation of photo voltaic
panels at Aldershot Pools and Fitness Centre be approved. |
To consider Exempt Report No. PG2420 (copy attached), which provides an update on key activities to be indertaken by the Council’s property and estates team over the remainder of the current financial year. Presented By: Cllr Christine Guinness, Regeneration and Property Portfolio Holder Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet considered Exempt Report No PG2420, which provided an update
on key activities to be undertaken by the Council’s Property and Estates team
during the remainder of the current financial year. The Report identified the need for additional building surveyors to
resource the delivery of the current work programme and the requirement for the
use of capital contributions to enable lettings across the Council’s current
and future estate. The Cabinet (i)
RECOMMENDED TO THE COUNCIL that £1.025m of capital receipts be allocated to enable the necessary
capital contributions/works to enable letting of commercial units at Union
Yard, Meads and across the wider portfolio, subject to the consideration and
approval of individual business cases by the Cabinet; and (ii)
NOTED: (a)
the current work programme of the Property and Estates team associated
with the Financial Resilience Plan, management of the Council’s commercial and
regeneration estate and mobilisation of and post practical completion works at
Union Yard, Aldershot, and (b)
the appointment of
an additional Building Surveyor resources to support the work programme as set
out in the Report, to be funded from a mix of existing budgets. |
UNION YARD - MOBILISATION OF ASSET AND REVISED COMPLETION SCHEDULE PDF 98 KB To consider Report No. REG2404 (copy attached), which sets out an update on the mobilisation and practical completion of the Union Yard scheme in Aldershot. Presented By: Cllr Christine Guinness, Regeneration and Property Portfolio Holder Minutes: The Cabinet considered Report No. REG2404, which set out an update on the
mobilisation and practical completion of the Union Yard scheme in Aldershot. Members were informed that the delivery schedule had been revised
further, with the contractors advising of an additional three week delay due to
practicalities around decorating the emergency exit stairwell in the student
accommodation. The Cabinet NOTED: (i)
the agreement/contracts entered into by the Council in
respect of mobilising the asset ahead of practical completion; (ii)
the revised completion schedule for the Union Yard scheme
and any comments arising for the Union Yard Project Board, and; (iii)
that contractual matters relating to the revised
completion schedule will be considered under a separate report. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider resolving: That, subject to the public interest test, the public be excluded from this meeting during the discussion of the undermentioned item to avoid the disclosure of exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against such item: Item Schedule Category No. 12A Para. No. 7 3 Information
relating to financial or business affairs Minutes: RESOLVED: That,
taking into account the public interest test, the public be excluded from the
meeting during the discussion of the under mentioned item to avoid the
disclosure of exempt information within the paragraph of Schedule 12A to the
Local Government Act, 1972 indicated against the item: Minute Schedule Category No. 12A Para. No. 13 3 Information
relating to financial or business affairs THE FOLLOWING ITEM WAS CONSIDERED |
UNION YARD - CONTRACTUAL MATTERS To consider Exempt Report No. REG2405 (copy attached), which sets out a proposed course of action arising as a result of the delayed handover of the Union Yard project. Presented By: Cllr Christine Guinness, Regeneration and Property Portfolio Holder Minutes: The
Cabinet considered Exempt Report No. REG2405, which set out a proposed course
of action arising as a result of the delayed handover of the Union Yard scheme
from a contractual viewpoint. The Cabinet RESOLVED that: (i)
the proposed course of action put forward by the
Head of Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Union Yard
Project Board with regard the delayed handover be approved, and; (ii)
the Head of Regeneration and Development, in
consultation with the Legal Corporate Manager and the Regeneration and Property
Portfolio Holder, be authorised to decide whether to actively pursue or not
contractual financial mechanisms available to the Council in the event that
they are considered required. |