Development Management Committee - Wednesday, 22nd March, 2023 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Adele Taylor  01252 398831 Email:

Link: Click here for live stream

No. Item


Declarations of interest

All Members who have or believe that they have any interest under the Rushmoor Borough Council Councillors’ Code of Conduct, adopted in April 2021, in any matter to be considered at the meeting are required to disclose that interest at the start of the meeting (preferably) or as soon as possible thereafter and to take the necessary steps in light of their interest as to any participation in the agenda item.


There were no declarations of interest for this meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd February, 2023 (copy attached).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd February, 2023 were approved and signed as a correct record of proceedings.


Representations by the Public


In accordance with the guidelines for public participation at meetings, and in particular major planning applications, the following representations were made to the Committee and were duly considered before a decision was reached:


Application No.



In support of or against the application






Hippodrome House, 4 Birchett Road, Aldershot

D Rose Planning LLP, 19-20 Bourne Ct,

Southend Rd,

Woodford Green,

Essex, IG8 8HD

In Support  



Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 443 KB

To consider the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. EPSH2311 on planning applications recently submitted to the Council (copy attached).


Sections A & B of the report set out the items to be considered at future meetings and petitions received:



Reference Number






Block 3 Queensmead, Farnborough


For information



Blandford House and Malta Barracks Development Site, Shoe Lane, Aldershot


For information



Discovery Place, Columbus Drive, Farnborough


For information

Section C of the report sets out planning applications for determination at this meeting:

















Hippodrome House, 4 Birchett Road, Aldershot








20 Cabrol Road, Farnborough



Section D of the report sets out planning applications which have been determined under the Council’s scheme of delegation for information.

Additional documents:






permission be given to the following applications, as set out in Appendix “A” attached hereto, subject to the conditions, restrictions and prohibitions (if any) mentioned therein:





20 Cabrol Road, Farnborough


(ii)          the applications dealt with by the Executive Head of Property and Growth, where necessary in consultation with the Chairman, in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, more particularly specified in Section “D” of the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2311, be noted


(iii)         the following applications be determined by the Executive Head of Property and Growth, in consultation with the Chairman:




Hippodrome House, 4 Birchett Road, Aldershot


 (iv)        the current position with regard to the following applications be noted pending consideration at a future meeting:




Block 3, Queensmead, Farnborough






Land at Blandford House and Malta Barracks Development Site, Shoe Lane, Aldershot



Discovery Place, Columbus Drive, Farnborough






Aldershot Conservative Club, Victoria Road, Aldershot



The Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2311 in respect of these applications was amended at the meeting.


It was agreed that site visits would be arranged to these sites



Planning Application No. 23/00019/FULPP - Hippodrome House, 4 Birchett Road, Aldershot


The Committee considered the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2311 regarding Planning Application No. 23/00019/FULPP, Hippodrome House, 4 Birchett Road, Aldershot.




the Executive Head of Property and Growth, in consultation with the Chairman, be authorised to GRANT planning permission, subject to the amended recommendations, as set out in the Amendment Sheet (copy attached) and the conditions and informatives, as set out in Report No. PG2311.


Planning Application No. 22/00779/REVPP - The Galleries, High Street, Aldershot - Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2315, which provides an update on Planning Application No. 22/00779/REVPP - The Galleries, for noting.


The Committee NOTED the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2315 in respect of Planning Application No. 22/00779/REVPP – The Galleries, High Street, Aldershot.


Enforcement and possible unauthorised development pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To consider the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2312 (copy attached) which reports on cases of planning enforcement and possible unauthorised development.


Enforcement Reference No.

Description of Breach





Unauthorised conversion at 59 Field Way, Aldershot which had resulted in a Planning Enforcement and Breach of Conditions Notice (BCN) being serviced. The BCN had not been complied with and prosecution proceedings were instigated. Compliance works were completed in February 2023 following a deferral of court proceedings. The Council had been issued £4,000 towards legal costs.




Unauthorised partial construction of a first floor extension to a commercial property at 32 Union Street, Aldershot. The developer had been advised that a planning application submitted retrospectively would most likely be rejected and the structure had now been removed.



RESOLVED: That the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2312 be noted.


Appeals Progress Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To consider the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2313 (copy attached) on the progress of recent planning appeals.



The Committee received the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2313 concerning the following appeal decisions:


Application /

Enforcement Case No.







Against refusal of planning permission for a detached three-storey, three bedroom, six person dwelling with associated bin and cycle storage, at 6 East Station Road, Aldershot


New appeal to be determined


Against an Enforcement Notice issued on 4th January, 2023 for an unauthorised change of use of the first floor ancillary accommodation at the White Lion Public House, 20 Lower Farnham Road, Aldershot.

New appeal to be determine




Against refusal of planning permission for the removal of one sweet chestnut tree at Skellgarth, 4 The Crescent, Farnborough






Against refusal for the installation of a 20m high monopole supporting six antennas and two transmission dishes, four equipment cabinets and development works ancillary thereto, at land to the front of 82-86 Cove Road, at the junction of Bridge Road and Cove Road, Farnborough.




RESOLVED: That the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2313 be noted.


Planning (Development Management) Summary Report for the Quarter October to December 2022 pdf icon PDF 294 KB

To receive the Executive Head of Property and Growth‘s Report No. PG2314 (copy attached) which updates on the Performance Indicators for the Development Management Section of Planning, and the overall workload for the Section for the period 1st October to 31st December 2022.



The Committee received the Executive Head of Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2314 which provided an update on the position with respect to achieving performance indicators for the Development Management Section of the Planning Service and the overall workload of the Section for the quarter from 1st October to 31st December 2022.


RESOLVED: That the Executive Head Property and Growth’s Report No. PG2314 be noted.