Development Management Committee - Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Adele Taylor  01252 398831 Email:

No. Item


Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 156 KB

All Members who have or believe that they have any interest under the Rushmoor Borough Council Councillors’ Code of Conduct, adopted in April 2021, in any matter to be considered at the meeting are required to disclose that interest at the start of the meeting (preferably) or as soon as possible thereafter and to take the necessary steps in light of their interest as to any participation in the agenda item.


Having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct, the following declaration of interest was made.  All Members who had or believed that they had any interest under Rushmoor Borough Council’s Councillor Code of Conduct, adopted in April 2021, in any matter to be considered at the meeting disclosed that interest at the start of the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter and took the necessary steps in light of their interest as to any participation in the agenda item:



Application No. and Address




Cllr Peter Crerar


Proposed Visitors Centre, Southwood Country Park, Ively Road, Farnborough

For noting

No interest to declare under the Code of Conduct for Councillors, however following Cllr Crerar’s show of support for the work being undertaken at the Southwood Country Park at the Full Council meeting it was noted this had not been considered as pre-determination and would not impact on his judgement of the application to be discussed at the meeting.





Cllr Calum Stewart

21/00855/ADV Heritage Trail Signage Marker, Westgate, Aldershot

Non registerable

The applicant is an acquaintance.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th November, 2021 (copy attached).

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th November, 2021 were approved and signed as a correct record of the proceedings, subject to the following:


·         It was noted that, since the last meeting of the Development Management Committee, it had come to light that there had been an error in the approved minutes of the Development Management Committee held on 15th September, 2021. The record stated that Cllr Mitchell had been absent, when in fact he was present - as evidenced on the webcast,  the minutes of the meeting on 15th September, 2021 would be amended accordingly.


·         As a result, it was noted that, further to the Committee’s discussion at the meeting on 10th November, Cllr Mitchell had not been absent from three consecutive meetings of the Committee, and his membership of the Committee should remain unchanged.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2134 on planning applications recently submitted to the Council (copy attached).


Sections A & B of the report set out the items to be considered at future meetings and petitions received:



Reference Number






Land at the former Lafarge Site, Hollybush Lane, Aldershot


For information



Block 3, Queensmead, Farnborough


For information



Queen Elizabeth Park, Cabrol Road, Farnborough


For information



Farnborough Airport, Farnborough Road, Farnborough


For information

Section C of the report sets out planning applications for determination at this meeting:

















Land at Former Nos 1-5 Firgrove Parade, Farnborough






Proposed Visitors Centre, Southwood Country Park, Ively Road, Farnborough









Heritage Trail Signage Marker, Westgate, Aldershot



Section D of the report sets out planning applications which have been determined under the Council’s scheme of delegation for information.

Additional documents:






permission be given to the following applications, as set out in Appendix “A” attached hereto, subject to the conditions, restrictions and prohibitions (if any) mentioned therein:




Land at former Nos. 1-5 Firgrove Parade, Farnborough.



Proposed Visitors Centre, Southwood Country Park. Ively Road, Farnborough



Heritage Trails Signage Marker, Westgate, Aldershot


(ii)          the applications dealt with by the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, where necessary in consultation with the Chairman, in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, more particularly specified in Section “D” of the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2134, be noted


(iii)         the current position with regard to the following applications be noted pending consideration at a future meeting:




Land at former Lafarge Site, Hollybush Lane, Aldershot



Block 3, Queensmead, Farnborough



Queen Elizabeth Park, Cabrol Road, Farnborough



Farnborough Airport, Farnborough Road, Farnborough



The Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2134 in respect of these applications was amended at the meeting.



Planning Application No. 21/00171/FULPP - Land at former Nos. 1-5 Firgrove Parade, Farnborough


The Committee considered the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2134 in respect of Planning Application No. 21/00171/FULPP for the erection of a six storey building with basement, comprising of ground floor flexible retail use under Use Classes E, F.2 and takeaway (Sui Generis) and 31 residential apartments above.


The Report was amended at the meeting to recommend that, subject to no new material representations being received in response to notification of additional land owners by 23rd December, 2021, and subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Planning Obligations to secure financial contributions towards open space, transport, SPA/SAMM mitigation, together with an administration and monitoring fee, and securing a late-stage financial review mechanism in respect of affordable housing provision, the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, in consultation with the Chairman, be authorised to grant planning permission.


RESOLVED: That, subject to the completion of a satisfactory planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 by 23rd December, 2021 to secure financial contributions towards open space, transport, SPA/SAMM mitigation, together with an administration and monitoring fee, and securing a late-stage financial review mechanism in respect of affordable housing provision, the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, in consultation with the Chairman, be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report.