Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Adele Taylor 01252 398831 Email:
Link: Click here for livestream
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of interest PDF 172 KB All Members who have or believe that they have any interest under the Rushmoor Borough Council Councillors’ Code of Conduct, adopted in April 2021, in any matter to be considered at the meeting are required to disclose that interest at the start of the meeting (preferably) or as soon as possible thereafter and to take the necessary steps in light of their interest as to any participation in the agenda item. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest for this meeting. |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 April, 2022 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th April 2022 were approved and signed as a correct record of the proceedings. |
Representations by the Public Minutes: In accordance with the guidelines for public participation
at meetings, the following representations were made to the Committee and were
duly considered before a decision was reached:
Petitions Minutes: RESOLVED: That the petitions received in respect of the
following application be noted, as set out in the Head of Economy, Planning and
Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2220:
Planning Applications PDF 107 KB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2220 on planning applications recently submitted to the Council (copy attached). Sections A & B of the report set out the items to be considered at future meetings and petitions received:
Section C of the report sets out planning applications for determination at this meeting:
Section D of the report sets out planning applications which have been determined under the Council’s scheme of delegation for information. Additional documents:
(ii) the applications dealt with by the
Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, where necessary in
consultation with the Chairman, in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of
Delegation, more particularly specified in Section “D” of the Head of Economy,
Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2220, be noted (iii) the following applications be determined by the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, in consultation with the Chairman:
(iv) the current position with regard to the following applications be noted pending consideration at a future meeting:
Planning Application No. 22/00394/FULPP - Briarwood, Sorrel Close, Farnborough Minutes: The Committee considered the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2220 (as amended at the meeting) regarding the erection of ten 3-bedroom, 3-storey detached houses with vehicular access from Sorrel Close. RESOLVED: That subject to the completion of a satisfactory Planning Obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 by 2 September 2022 or such later date as agreed by an extension of time to secure the SAMMs SPA and Public Open Space contributions as set out in the report, the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and informatives as set out in the report. |
Planning Application No. 21/00980/FULPP - No. 63 Cambridge Road East, Farnborough Minutes: The Committee considered the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2220 (as amended at the meeting) regarding the erection of a bungalow to be accessed via Minster Close. RESOLVED: That subject to the completion of a satisfactory Planning Obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 by 30th September 2022 or unless otherwise agreed by an Extension of Time to secure the SAMMs SPA and Public Open Space contributions as set out in the report, the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and informatives as set out in the report. |
Planning Application No. 22/00390/FUL - No. 9A Wellington Street, Aldershot Minutes: The Committee considered the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2220 (as amended at the meeting) regarding the conversion of an existing 3 bedroom maisonette into 2, one bedroom flats with the provision of a cycle and bin store. RESOLVED: That subject to the completion of a suitable legal mechanism securing Public Open Space and THBSPA contributions as set out in the report, the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman be authorised to Grant planning permission subject to the following conditions and informatives as set out in the report. |
Urgent Action – Land to the rear of Nos. 162-170 Holly Road, Aldershot - 21/00645/FULPP PDF 165 KB To note the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2221 (copy attached). Minutes: The Committee received the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2221. The Report set out the detail of a delay and a succession of time extensions up until the 31 May 2022, to obtain the S106. A satisfactory S106 was finally completed on 12 May 2022. The Chairman subsequently agreed that the Committee’s resolution to grant planning permission had been satisfied and thereby authorised the grant of the planning permission. RESOLVED: That the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2221 be noted. |
Appeals Progress Report PDF 188 KB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. 2222 (copy attached) on the progress of recent planning appeals. Minutes: The Committee received the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2222 concerning the following appeal decisions:
RESOLVED: That the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2222 be noted. |
Enforcement and possible unauthorised development PDF 428 KB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2223 (copy attached) which reports on cases of planning enforcement and possible unauthorised development. Minutes:
RESOLVED: That the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2223 be noted. |
To receive the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2224 (copy attached) which updates on the Performance Indicators for the Development Management section of Planning, and the overall workload for the Section for the period 1st January – 31st March 2022 and for the year 2021/22. Minutes: The Committee received the Head of Economy, Planning and
Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2224 which provided an update on the
position with respect to achieving performance indicators for the Development
Management Section of the Planning Service and the overall workload of the
Section for the quarter from 1st January to 31st March 2022 and for the year
2021/22. RESOLVED: That the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2224 be noted. |