Venue: Concorde Room, Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Adele Taylor 01252 398831 Email:
Link: Click here for the livestream
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of interest PDF 165 KB All Members who have or believe that they have any interest under the Rushmoor Borough Council Councillors’ Code of Conduct, adopted in April 2021, in any matter to be considered at the meeting are required to disclose that interest at the start of the meeting (preferably) or as soon as possible thereafter and to take the necessary steps in light of their interest as to any participation in the agenda item. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest for this meeting. |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 8th December, 2021 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th December, 2021 were approved and signed as a correct record of the proceedings. It was noted that the Section 106 agreement that the decision relating to Planning Application No. 21/00171/FULPP – Land at former Nos. 1-5 Firgrove Parade, Farnborough, was subject to, had not been completed by 23rd December, 2021 deadline, therefore an extension of time had been sought. |
Planning Applications PDF 106 KB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2201 on planning applications recently submitted to the Council (copy attached). Sections A & B of the report set out the items to be considered at future meetings and petitions received:
Section C of the report sets out planning applications for determination at this meeting:
Section D of the report sets out planning applications which have been determined under the Council’s scheme of delegation for information. Additional documents:
(ii) the applications dealt with by the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing, where necessary in consultation with the Chairman, in accordance with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, more particularly specified in Section “D” of the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2201, be noted, (iii) the current position with regard to the following applications be noted pending consideration at a future meeting:
Appeals Progress Report PDF 61 KB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2202 (copy attached) on the progress of recent planning appeals. Minutes: The Committee received the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2202 concerning the following appeal decisions:
RESOLVED: That the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2002 be noted. |
Enforcement and possible unauthorised development PDF 124 KB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2203 (copy attached) which reports on cases of planning enforcement and possible unauthorised development. Minutes:
RESOLVED: That the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2203 be noted. |
The Galleries - Planning Reference 20/00508/FULPP PDF 1 MB To consider the Head of Economy, Planning and Strategic Housing’s Report No. EPSH2205 (copy attached) which sets out a variation, sought by the developer, on the planning conditions agreed by the Council when resolving to grant planning permission for the development. Minutes: The Committee received Report No. EPSH2205 on the proposed town centre regeneration at The Galleries, High Street, Aldershot (Planning Application No. 20/00508/FULPP). It was advised that the developer had approached the Council to seek a variation of the planning conditions to allow for demolition of The Galleries Shopping Centre, Nos. 12-18 Wellington Street and the adjacent derelict buildings at 99-101 High Street, in early 2022. It was recommended that further to the resolution of the Committee at its meeting on 11 November, 2020, to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and informatives on completion of a satisfactory S106 Planning Obligation, the proposed amendments to the conditions as set out be agreed. The Committee AGREED to the variation of the planning conditions. |