Venue: Council Offices, Farnborough
Contact: Panel Administrator, Justine Davie Tel. (01252) 398832, Email.
No. | Item | ||||||
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN To appoint a Chairman of the Panel for the 2015/16 Municipal Year. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Cr. D.E. Clifford be appointed Chairman
for the 2015/16 Municipal Year. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Panel for the 2015/16 Municipal
Year. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Cr. Sophia Choudhary be appointed
Vice-Chairman for the 2015/16 Municipal Year. |
To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th March, 2015 (copy attached). Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th March, 2015 were approved and signed by the Chairman |
THE ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY PDF 250 KB To receive a presentation from the
Environmental Health Manager, Pollution/Environmental Control on the revised
and updated Environment Improvement Strategy. A
copy of the revised strategy is attached. Minutes: The
Panel received the revised and updated Environment Improvement Strategy,
together with a presentation from Ms. Helen Lolley, Environmental Health
Manager Pollution/Environmental Control.
Ms. Lolley explained that the Environment Improvement Strategy had been
introduced in 2008 in response to new powers to deal with environmental
problems. The Panel was reminded that,
in response to a notice of motion to Council, they had made seven recommendations
to Cabinet in November, 2013. Six of
these had been addressed and implemented and the seventh recommendation - to
update the existing three core strands of the strategy (education, cleansing
and enforcement) was still outstanding. The
Panel was updated on the progress with the six recommendations: (1) To make spitting an offence using Fixed Penalty Notices
(FPN’s). The Panel was informed that no
FPN’s had been served to date as it had been difficult to catch people
committing such offences. (2) Financial rewards for reporting fly tipping – one case was to
be heard in Court on 2nd July, 2015. (3) Officers to be encouraged to serve FPN’s – figures had shown
that this had been happening to a greater degree than before. (4) Numbers of residents using the discounted bulky waste service
to be recorded – figures had shown that 30% had been using the service. (5) Free bulky waste collections on certain days in the year – it
was reported that an increase in incidents of fly tipping had been recorded. (6) Restaurants to record vehicle registration numbers on
packaging – this was being used in McDonalds.
Following legal advice McDonalds had now stopped this practice so this
had not been taken up by Rushmoor. With
regard to the seventh recommendation, Members had requested added emphasis to
education, communication and engagement initiatives, maintaining and improving
the environment and enforcement and publicity of offenders. The
Strategy had been updated to reflect the Panel’s recommendations and changes to
legislation. The revised Strategy had
also been rebranded to help people identify more with where they lived. The need to build on current partnerships had
also been recognised and a communications plan was being developed alongside
the Strategy. Pre-campaign work included
the development of branding, involvement with local businesses, the police and
other stakeholders, as well as school and community initiatives. The
Panel was updated on current issues and these included fly-tipping,
particularly in Cherrywood, on both public and private land. It was reported that the problem had
initially been reduced but incidents were now recurring so enforcement and
prevention activity was being resumed in that area. Littering, dog fouling and abandoned vehicles
were also issues. Ms. Lolley assured the
Panel that new legislative powers would enable the Council to deal with issues
using an alternative approach. New
legislation included Public Space Protection Orders and Community Protection
Notices which had already been
considered in a number of areas within the Borough. With regard to enforcement and publicity of offenders, it was reported that 70 Fixed Penalty Notices had been served during 2014/15 for littering and dog fouling. ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Panel to consider the Head of Planning’s presentation on the Council’s draft
Local Plan which is out for consultation from 8th
June, 2015. (A draft copy of the Local Plan can be
found for the Panel’s consideration prior to the meeting at - Agenda Item 8). Minutes: The
Panel received a presentation from Louise Piper and Katie Bailey, Planning Policy
and Conservation Managers on the Council’s draft Local Plan which was out for
consultation from 8th June, 2015 until 20th July, 2015. The draft Local Plan had been developed in
discussion with the cross-party Local Plan Member Steering Group for Rushmoor
and would contain strategic policies, detailed development management polices
and site allocations for the period up to 2032.
The Plan would also incorporate a refresh of the policies in the
Council’s Core Strategy. The
Panel was informed that the Plan set out Rushmoor’s
housing targets for the period 2011 and 2032.
Whilst the Panel was informed that evidence suggested that 470 houses
per annum would be required, initial capacity work had suggested that 390 homes
per annum would be deliverable within the Borough. In the first instance, endeavours would be
made to address the resulting shortfall of 1,600 homes in discussions with
other housing market area partners (Hart and Surrey Heath). Evidence also identified a need for 197
affordable rental properties per year and recommended that between 35 – 40% of
new homes delivered should be affordable homes.
relation to the town centres, the key strategic policy framework for
development in Aldershot and Farnborough was set out in the Core Strategy and
this had been updated in the Local Plan.
Key changes included more emphasis on family focussed leisure and
entertainment uses and the evening economy and the promotion of linked trips.
The policy for the North Camp District Centre sought to maintain the role and
vibrancy of the area, to support local and specialist retail functions and
promote the vibrant evening economy whilst protecting local community uses,
improving accessibility through traffic management and improved cycle and
pedestrian linkages and to support the retention of car parking facilities. With
regard to employment, the Council’s Core Strategy allocated 21 key employment
sites within the Borough. Following a
number of changes in national planning policy and local priorities, the draft
Local Plan set out the Council’s revised approach. The
Panel was advised that during the consultation period documentation was
available on line at Town centre exhibitions would be taking place
as well as drop in sessions arranged at the Council Offices. There would also be further opportunity for
comment in early 2016 on the draft submission version of the Local Plan, followed
by an examination in the Summer of 2016, and adoption of the Plan by the
Council in late 2016. The
Panel NOTED the presentation. |
Corporate Director, on the Panel’s areas of responsibility. The schedule of work for 2015/16
will be finalised at the next mid-cycle meeting. A copy of the current work programme is attached. Minutes: The Panel received a presentation
from Mr. Ian Harrison, Corporate Director on the Panel’s areas of
responsibility. The Panel was informed that the
Environment Panel’s portfolio included Planning and Building Control, the
promotion of the economy and regeneration within the Borough, Street Scene
Services, Environmental Health and other matters relating to the letting and
monitoring of major contracts and Council by-laws. The presentation also outlined
those areas recently scrutinised by the Panel with a view to potential items
for future scrutiny during the 2015/16 Municipal Year. On considering the areas suggested, the Panel
agreed that the following items should be a priority for the current year: ·
Parking strategy,
including parking policy for new developments and town centre parking ·
Waste recycling and
grounds maintenance contract arrangements ·
Markets ·
Bus services ·
Review of the
Borough’s cycling infrastructure ·
Pest control, weeding
and litter in Aldershot Town Centre. The Panel requested budget
information in relation to the Panel’s specific portfolio to help decide which
items should be prioritised and AGREED
APPOINTMENTS FOR 2015/16 (1) Mid
Cycle Meetings – To appoint the Membership of the Mid-Cycle
In 2014/15, the representatives appointed were the Chairman (Cr. D.E. Clifford)
and Vice-Chairman (Cr. Sophia Choudhary) and Cr. L.A. Taylor. (2)
Farnborough Town
Centre Task and Finish Group – To appoint the Membership of the Farnborough
Town Centre Task and Finish Group. The Membership in 2014/15 was Crs. Liz
Corps, L.A. Taylor, J.H. Marsh and M.D. Smith (3)
Aldershot Town Centre
Task and Finish Group – To appoint the Membership of the Aldershot Town
Centre Task and Finish Group. The Membership in 2014/15 was Crs. Sophia
Choudhary, A.H. Crawford, P.I.C. Crerar, Sue Dibble, Jennifer Evans, B.A.
Thomas and D.M. Welch. Minutes: (1) Mid-Cycle
Meetings – It was agreed that Cr. L.A. Taylor
would attend the mid-cycle meetings in 2015/16 as the representative of his
political group, along with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. (2) Parking
Task and Finish Group – It was agreed that Crs. Liz Corps, R.L.G. Dibbs, D.M. Welch and Sue Dibble would comprise the Parking Task and Finish Group during 2015/16. (2) Farnborough
Town Centre Task and Finish Group – It
was agreed that Crs. Liz Corps, P.G. Taylor, M.D. Smith and L.A. Taylor would
comprise the Farnborough Town Centre Task and Finish Group during 2015/16 (with
Crs. J.H. Marsh, G.B. Lyon and C.P. Grattan as deputies). (3) It
was agreed that Crs. Sophia Choudhary, P.I.C. Crerar, B.A. Thomas, D.M. Welch,
R. Hughes, A.H. Crawford, Sue Dibble, Jennifer Evans and J.J. Preece would
comprise the Aldershot Town Centre Task and Finish Group in 2015/16 (Cr. M.S.
Choudhary would act as deputy). Cr. R.
Hughes would be invited as required as a Cabinet Member. (4) The
Panel also agreed that a secondary Town Centre Task and Finish Group should be
set up to evaluate what could be done to improve the Borough’s secondary
towns. The Task and Finish Group would
run for a fixed period of one year only and would report back to the Panel with
its findings at the end of the Municipal Year when it would be decided if the
Group should continue. It was agreed
that Crs. D.S. Gladstone, Sue Dibble, L.A. Taylor, G.B. Lyon and S.J. Masterson
would be appointed for the current 2015/16 year. |