Council - Thursday, 6th July, 2023 7.00 pm - Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Farnborough

Contact: Corporate Manager - Democracy  Email:

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 180 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 23rd May 2023 (copy attached).

Additional documents:


It was MOVED by Cllr D.C. Clifford; SECONDED by Cllr M.D. Smith and


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 23rd May 2023 be taken as read, approved and signed as a correct record.




(1)      The Mayor reported that events he had attended in his first month in office had included:


·                The Gurkha Cup football tournament on 28th May

·                Farnborough Donkey Derby on 29th May

·                RVS Volunteer Recognition Event on 8th June

·                Victoria Day on 10th June

·                Kids Out on 14th June, and

·                Sounding The Retreat on 14th June


(2)      The Mayor advised that, on Monday 19th June, he had attended the Armed Forces Day flag raising ceremony in Princes Gardens, Aldershot. He had also attended the Armed Forces Day Prom in the Park concert on Saturday 24th June.


(3)      The Mayor thanked the Deputy Mayor for attending the Windrush 75 Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 25th June at the New Testament Church of God, Aldershot in his place.


(4)      The Mayor reported that he was planning to host a Charity BBQ event on the evening of Friday 29th September, with further details to follow.    



To receive any questions by Members submitted in pursuance of Standing Order 8 (3).


Cllr Abe Allen had submitted a question in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 8 (3) for response by the Planning and Economy Portfolio Holder (Cllr G.B. Lyon) in respect of the proposed closure of the ticket offices at the Aldershot, Farnborough (Main) and Farnborough (North) railway stations and the impact the closures would have on residents. 


In response, Cllr G.B. Lyon stated that these proposals were only at the consultation stage at the current time. Members were invited to contribute towards the Council’s formal response and it was explained that the Chief Executive would be writing to explain how comments could be submitted.



To consider the following Notice of Motion, which has been submitted by Cllr Dhan Sarki pursuant to Standing Order 9 (1):


“The Council welcomes its role in implementing the Armed Forces Covenant set out in the Armed Forces Act 2021.


However, the Council is conscious of the considerable number of Gurkha veterans living in the Borough, who were enlisted into the Brigade of Gurkhas between 1948 and 1993, who face disadvantages due to lower rate of pension credit. This equates to many of them are living in the borough in poor circumstances and require additional support from the Council to ensure there is no disadvantage; however, the services delivered do not fully compensate for the disadvantage.  Gurkha Pensions and Welfare Issues are still under negotiation between the British and Nepal Governments.


Given that this Council must fulfil the Armed Forces Duty and ensure no disadvantage, this Motion requests that:


      The Leader of the Council writes to the government to raise concerns about the housing and health challenges facing Gurkha veterans and their families.


      The Scrutiny committee review our approach to supporting the Armed Forces generally in relation to the Armed Forces Covenant.”


The Council was asked to consider a Motion which had been submitted by Cllr Dhan Sarki in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 9 (1) and amended in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 12 (9) (a):


“The Council recognises the leading role that Rushmoor has played in supporting our local armed forces community and our Gurkha community, including being one of the first councils in the country to adopt an Armed Forces Covenant and providing support on housing and community integration.  


However, the Council is conscious of the considerable number of Gurkha veterans living in the Borough who were enlisted into the Brigade of Gurkhas between 1948 and 1993, who face a number of ongoing challenges including lower pension payments, mental health and physical health challenges and integration into our wider community. This has resulted in many of them living in the Borough in poor circumstances, requiring additional support from the Council.


 In order to support the Council’s efforts in this area this motion requests that:


              The Overview and Scrutiny Committee conducts a full assessment of all of the ongoing issues and supports the needs of our local armed forces community, including those relating to our local Gurkha Community, and produces a report accordingly.


          The Leader of the Council writes to the Government raising these concerns.”


In moving the amended Motion, Cllr Sarki referred to the Gurkha veterans that lived within the Borough that were experiencing financial hardship as a result of receiving lower pension payments.


In seconding the amended Motion, Cllr Nem Thapa referred to his time as a Gurkha soldier. He highlighted the work of the Greater Nepali Rushmoor Community (GNRC) in bringing the Nepali community together. Reference was also drawn to the recent establishment of an international link with the town of Gorkha in Nepal. Despite these successes, the issue of Gurkha pension equality, and its effects on housing and health within the Nepali community, had remained unresolved.


Without further discussion, the Mayor indicated that, under the provisions of  Standing Order 9 (10), the Motion be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet and Committees in relation to the following items:

Additional documents:


(1)      Rushmoor Homes Limited Business Plan Update 2023 to 2028


Cllr D.E. Clifford, Leader of the Council, introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 18th April 2023 which set out an update from the Council’s local housing company, Rushmoor Homes Limited, that included a five-year plan for the development of the business.


It was MOVED by Cllr D.E. Clifford; SECONDED by Cllr M.L. Sheehan – That the Rushmoor Homes Limited Business Plan 2023-2028, as set out in Appendix 1 to the Report, be approved.


There voted FOR: 22; ABSTAINED: 11; AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.


(2)     Council Plan 2023-26


Cllr Sue Carter, Democracy, Strategy and Partnerships Portfolio Holder, introduced the Report of the Cabinet meeting held on 6th June 2023 which set out an update to the three-year Council Plan.


It was MOVED by Cllr Sue Carter; SECONDED by Cllr D.E. Clifford – That the three-year Council Plan 2023-26, as set out in Appendix 1 to the Report, be approved.


There voted FOR: 21; ABSTAINED: 0; AGAINST: 12 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.


(3)      Appointment of Independent Person for Standards


Cllr P.J. Cullum introduced the Report of the Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee meeting held on 1st June 2023 which set out a proposal in relation to the appointment of the Council’s Designated Independent Person for Standards.


It was MOVED by Cllr P.J. Cullum; SECONDED by Cllr S. Trusler – That the appointment of Mr. Matt Smith as the Council’s Designated Independent Person for Standards for a period of three years, as set out in the Report, be approved.


There voted FOR: 34; ABSTAINED: 0; AGAINST: 0 and the Recommendation was DECLARED CARRIED.



To receive any questions by Members to Cabinet Members submitted in accordance with the Procedure Note.


(1)      Cllr M.J. Roberts had submitted a question for response by the Leader of the Council (Cllr D.E. Clifford) in respect of Hampshire County Council’s financial proposals. 


In response, Cllr Clifford stated that all information known currently in relation to the County Council’s proposals was set out in the consultation document available via the County Council’s website.


(2)      Cllr Jules Crossley had submitted a question for response by the Operational Services Portfolio Holder (Cllr M.L. Sheehan) in respect of Farnborough Airport’s report on the Post Implementation Review of the recent airspace change of Farnborough Airspace, which was submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority at the end of May.


In response, Cllr Sheehan stated that the airspace changes had not had a significant effect on flight paths and, for this reason, the Council had not considered it necessary to respond to the Airport’s report.



To receive and ask questions on the Reports of the following Meetings (copy reports attached):



18th April. 2023


6th June 2023






Development Management

26th April 2023

Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards

1st June 2023

Development Management

7th June 2023

Development Management

21st June 2023



RESOLVED:  That the Reports of the following meetings be received:



18th April 2023


6th June 2023

Development Management Committee

26th April 2023

Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee

1st June 2023

Development Management Committee

7th June 2023

Development Management Committee

21st June 2023




To note the Report of the following meeting (copy reports attached):


Overview and Scrutiny Committee

15th June 2023



RESOLVED:  That the Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 15th June 2023 be noted.