To consider Exempt Report No. RP2015 (copy attached), which sets out a proposal for the acquisition of properties as part of the Council’s Commercial Property Investment Strategy.
Presented By: Cllr Martin Tennant, Major Projects and Property Portfolio Holder
The Cabinet considered Exempt Report No. RP2015, which set out a
proposal to acquire the freehold investments in two properties, as part of the
Commercial Property Investment Strategy in the Council’s Medium Term Financial
The Cabinet was informed that the acquisitions proposed were in line
with the Commercial Property Investment Strategy. Initial due diligence
and risk assessment had been undertaken by officers and had been supported by
Lambert Smith Hampton Investment Management. The properties had scored highly
on the matrix for assessing potential purchases and it was considered that the
proposed acquisitions would deliver a
positive net return for the Council, with low risk. Members expressed strong
support for the proposed purchases.
The Cabinet RESOLVED that the purchase of the freeholds of both
properties, subject to due diligence and as set out in Exempt Report No.
RP2015, be approved.