To consider Report No. ACE2502 (copy attached), which sets out the revised and updated Risk Management Policy.
Presented By: Cllr Jules Crossley, Policy, Climate & Sustainability Portfolio Holder
The Cabinet considered Report No. ACE2502, which set out the revised and updated Risk Management Policy.
It was advised that the current risk management policy and procedures had been agreed in 2021, and had, since then, been reported on, on a quarterly basis alongside performance management information. Since 2022, the policy and procedures had been reviewed and changes to processes and approaches had been made, to five out of six recommendations from an internal audit. The purpose of the Report was to seek approval for these revisions which incorporated the final recommendation for the Council, to develop an overall strategic risk appetite.
The Council was required to have effective arrangements in place to assess risk. The revised policy and procedures required training for risk owners and managers to provide clarity on reporting. Portfolio Holders would also be required to discuss risk regularly with Service Managers to ensure any issues were identified quickly and mitigated against appropriately.
The Cabinet RESOLVED that the Risk Management Policy, as set out in Annex A of Report No. ACE2502, be approved.