To consider Report No. ACE2503 (copy attached), which sets out recommendations from the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to Citizens Advice Rushmoor and its Service Level Agreement with the Council.
Presented By: Cllr Halleh Koohestani, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Cabinet considered Report No. ACE2503, which set out
recommendations for the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to
Citizens’ Advice Rushmoor (CAR) and its Service Level Agreement with the
Council. The Chairman welcomed Cllr Halleh Koohestani, Chairman of
the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, who was attending to report on the
Committee’s considerations and recommendations.
Members were
informed that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had held a meeting on 12th
December, 2024 where Citizens Advice Rushmoor (CAR) had attended and had given
a presentation on its 2023/24 Annual
Report, in line with the Service Level Agreement with the Council. The
Committee had considered the representations made by CAR in respect of the
challenges and risks it faced as an organisation. The following were the
recommendations of the Committee to the Cabinet:
consider a multi-year funding agreement, taking account of any inflationary
increase measure from 2025/26 alongside a clear set of KPI’s to measure
performance, and;
the rental and service charges associated with the places occupied by Citizens
Advice Rushmoor in both Aldershot and Farnborough.
The Cabinet
expressed gratitude both to Citizens Advice Rushmoor for the excellent work
carried out by them in the local area and to the members of the Overview and
Scrutiny Committee for their diligence in producing these recommendations. It
was confirmed that these would be considered fully during the budget setting
process in the following months, taking account of the recent Local Government
re-organisation proposals. The Cabinet also committed to engaging with both
Rushmoor Voluntary Services and Citizens Advice Rushmoor to consider future
working arrangements.
The Cabinet RESOLVED to consider the recommendations of the Overview
and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in Report No. ACE2503, as part of the
2025/26 budget setting process.